WooCommerce 5.0 New Features & Release Schedule

WooCommerce 5.0 New Features & Release Schedule

WooCommerce 5.0 New Features

To keep the stability and performance of WooCommerce, the team regularly updates this plugin with new features, bug fixes and improvements.

In this article, we will give you some notes about new features of WooCommerce 5.0 and some best  WordPress themes ready for this new update.

And now, let’s started!

WooCommerce 5.0 New Features

This is a minor release focusing on bug fixes and performance improvements. Just like other minor releases, this release also aims to be backward compatible with previous WooCommerce releases.


Previous to this release, we’ve partially followed the Semantic Versioning (Semver) schema. Going forward we’ve decided to follow the WordPress versioning schema. This means that although we’re releasing version 5.0 (which usually means a backwards compatible breaking release under Semver), we will maintain backwards compatibility.

WooCommerce Admin 1.9.0

This release updates the WooCommerce admin package to 1.9.0 from 1.8.3. Mostly bugfixes and improvements are included in this update, including:

  • Help tooltip will now appear when a task has not been completed the second time to give additional help for the merchant. (#5826)
  • Home screen task extensibility. Allows 3pd to add their own tasks. (#5794).
  • Added “unread” indicator to inbox messages. This helps to quickly see which inbox messages have not been read. (#6047)

Notable fixes and improvements

  1. Product Review Count: Previously in 4.9, we fixed the product review count from this PR #28624. This worked for all new comments being created however it did not correctly fix the issue that already happened. So we’ve put in a migration script which will fix the review count when new reviews are added. #28814
  2. Deprecate legacy reports: Since WooCommerce 4.0, it has added a new and improved WooCommerce Analytics. We’re encouraging users to start using the new WooCommerce Analytics and thus we have soft deprecated the legacy reports with a notice in the legacy reports section. #28799
  3. CSS Variables: We’ve added WooCommerce prefixed CSS variables to the stylesheet. This provides easier extendibility when developers need to utilize the same WooCommerce default styling without needing to recreate the CSS. #28709
  4. Restoring products, orders and coupons: Previously after trashing orders, products or coupons — when restoring, it puts these items into “draft” status. Now it will restore to the same status as what it was before to prevent issue. #28690
  5. Changing product type with attached files: Previously when an order is placed with a product that had downloadable files and when you change the product type to say a variable product, the permission for the downloadable files would be lost and access would be denied. This has been fixed so that it now recognizes the change of product type and when you go to use the same downloadable file, it would recognize it and recreate the permissions for the same customer. #28521

You can find the complete changelog for this release in the changelog.txt file.

Filters and actions

We have added one new action in this release.

Action Description
woocommerce_activated_plugin Action to signal that packages such as WC Admin has been activated. #28698
5.0 new action hooks

We have added two new filters in this release.

Filter Description
woocommerce_delete_variations_on_product_type_change Filter to prevent
variations from being deleted while switching from a variable product type to a variable product type. #27137
woocommerce_new_order_email_allows_resend Filter to allow resending of the new order email to the admin. #28858
5.0 new filter hooks

Database Changes

While there are no schema changes to the database tables, we want to highlight that there will be a migration script that runs in the database that fixes any potential issues with the product review counts. #28814. This in turn will bump the database version to 5.0.0.

Template changes

This release does not introduce any changes to templates.

Release Schedule

WooCommerce 5.0 will follow the release cycle:

  • Beta: January 19th, 2021
  • Release Candidate: Januanry 26th, 2021
  • WooCommerce 5.0 Final Release: February 9th, 2021


As with the previous few releases, you can join in the testing release following the instructions for 5.0 as well.

If you discover any bugs during the testing process, you can log a report in GitHub.

Our themes & WooCommerce 5.0 Update

Currently, all our WordPress themes are compatible with the latest version of WooCommerce. We plan to update all of them to support the latest version. You can follow the article WooCommerce 5.0 Themes here to update the latest news from us.

See Our Best-selling WooCommerce Themes:


See our theme collections:

Our Support Help Desks:

  • Documentation: Find documentation for themes and frequently asked question on our Documentation channel wpthemego.com/document
  • Forum Support: Join our public WPThemeGo Community at forum.wpthemego.com to find the frequently asked questions, post your problem and get support to solve it.
  • Ticket System: Submit a ticket about your problem on WPThemeGo Support at support.wpthemego.com to get help from the support team. All your information will be kept confidential.
  • Email Support: Contact us via email for presale questions about our themes and other questions via contact@wpthemego.com.

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