One-Click Installation with eMarket – eCommerce MarketPlace WordPress Theme

eMarket is a modern and multi-functional eCommerce WordPress theme that allows you to build a professional ecommerce site quickly and easily. eMarket is powered by entirely by WordPress, WooCommerce and deeply compatible with Multi-vendor and Marketplace plugins like WC Vendors, Dokan Plugin that helps you create multi-vendor sites with ease.

Esspecially, eMarket supports you with One Click Installation feature, which an help you quickly create a beautiful eCommerce and MarketPlace website like our demo. In this video, we will show you steps by steps for this process.

Steps for One Click Installation:

  1. Upload and Activate the theme package
  2. Install and Activate Required Plugins
  3. Import Demo Data of the Home page you want

About eMarket – eCommerce MarketPlace WordPress Theme:

This comes with multi-homepages, lots of layout options and many cool eCommerce features such as visual page builder, revolution slider, ajax cart/wishlist/compare, quick view light box, ajax quick search, product image zoom/gallery, video thumbnail gallery for product, variation swatch and image for WooCommerce, social login and more.

For this theme, you can check the demo and see more information here:


If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact with us:

SW Shop4 - Free MarketPlace WordPress Theme with Mobile Layout

Thank you!


I'm Mai Nguyen - who is working as a digital marketer at WPThemeGo. I love writing the blog and reading books. Really hope that my sharings are useful for you! Follow my blog at Best WordPress Themes

Best selling multi vendor wordpress themes

 Best Selling Multi Vendor MarketPlace WordPress Themes

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