[VIDEO] How to Update WordPress Theme Automatically

how to auto update wordpress themes on themeforest

Always keep themes and plugins in our website up-to-date is an essential thing. In this video, we will show you steps on how to update WordPress theme automatically.

How to Update WordPress Theme Automatically

Envato can be said as the most famous marketplace for premium WordPress themes. Also, when purchasing a theme here, user can get the updated versions of the theme for lifetime without paying any other fee.

Now, with the birth of Envato Market Plugin, it lets you keep updated with the theme purchases right in your WordPress Dashboard.

Steps by Steps Video:

Steps by Steps:

Here are some main steps on auto update WordPress themes automatically:

  1. Install Envato Market plugin
  2. Set Up Envato Market Plugin with Envato API token
  3. After the Envato Market Plugin was successfully synced to your site, all your purchased update information will be right in your site.
  4. To update Envato item using Envato Market Plugin, you just need to click on Update Available link in the update notice in Dashboard > Updates.
  5. After that, the process will be automatically performed.When it is complete, you will see a green notice “Updated!” and that’s done! Once the updates are available, you can see them right from the dashboard.

For more details, you can refer to the article here.

You can check our 25+ Best Selling WordPress Themes 2019 and enjoy them now!

SW Shop4U - Free MarketPlace WordPress Theme with Mobile Layout

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I'm Mai Nguyen - who is working as a digital marketer at WPThemeGo. I love writing the blog and reading books. Really hope that my sharings are useful for you! Follow my blog at Best WordPress Themes

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