Firstly, a huge thanks for purchasing this plugin, your support is truly appreciated!
This document covers the installation and use of this plugin, reveals some answers to common problems and issues. We encourage you to read throughout this document if you are experiencing any difficulties. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of document, please feel free to contact us via our Ticket Support System.
To install this plugin you must have a working version of WordPress already installed. If you need help installing WordPress, follow the instructions in WordPress Codex. Below are all the useful links for WordPress information.
- WordPress Codex – General info about WordPress and how to install on your server.
- First Steps With WordPress – General info about multiple topics about WordPress.
- FAQ New To WordPress – The most popular FAQ’s regarding WordPress.
- WordPress Widget Documentation – General info about WordPress Widgets.
- Visual Composer Documentation – General info about Installation and Use of Visual Composer.
- WooCommerce Documentation – General info about Installation and Use of WooCommerce.
To use the plugin, please make sure you are running WordPress 4.9.x or higher, PHP 7.7 or higher, and MySQL 5.6 or higher.
- Check to ensure that your web host has the minimum requirements to run WordPress.
- You can download the latest release of WordPress from the official WordPress website.
- The latest version of WordPress is prefered.
- Always create secure passwords for FTP and Database.
- It is recommended to be on PHP 7.2 or greater.
SW WooCommerce Vertical Categories Listing is tested on:
- WordPress 4.9.x
- WooCommerce 3.3.x
- Visual Composer 5.4.x
SW WooCommerce Vertical Categories Listing is compatible with:
- WordPress Widgets
- Visual Composer 5.4.x
The Recommended PHP Configuration Limits should be paid attention. In several cases, you may deal with problems related to low PHP configuration limits, such as: white screen, demo content fails when importing, empty page content and other similar issues.
The solution is to increase the PHP limits. You can do this on your own by editing the following lines in php.ini
file in your root directory. This is not a file that comes with WordPress so if you are unfamiliar with it you should contact your web host about increasing those limits to a minimum as follows:
max_execution_time 360
memory_limit 128M
post_max_size 32M
upload_max_filesize 32M
Success Well done! If your site meets all these requirements, you can start enjoy SW WooCommerce Vertical Categories Listing theme now!
There are 03 ways to install SW WooCommerce Vertical Categories Listing plugin into your site: Quickstart Installation and Manual Installation.
- Automatic Installation
- Manual Installation via WordPress Upload
- Manual Installation via FTP/cPanel Upload
Preparation is always an imporatant part. Before starting, do not forget to:
- Make sure that your site meets Plugin Requirements and support the plugin.
- Have file
ready to go in your computer.
>>> All are ready? Okay, it’s time for us to go!
This is the simplest way to install SW WooCommerce Vertical Categories Listing. Just after a few clicks, the plugin will be ready to use in your site. Please follow steps as below:
- Login to your website and go to the Plugins.
- Click the Add New button.
- Type SW WooCommerce Vertical Categories Listing in the search field of WordPress Plugin Directory.
- Select SW WooCommerce Vertical Categories Listing then click Install Now button.
- After the plugin was installed successfully, click on Activate button to activate it.
Congratulation! The plugin is successfully installed in your site. Now you can continue to play with it!
This is manual installation via Upload file path in the WordPress Admin Panel. Please follow steps as below:
- Login to your website and go to the Plugins.
- Click the Add New button.
- Under Install Plugins, click the Upload Plugin.
- Select the plugin zip file
from your computer then click the Install Now button. - You should see a message stating that the plugin was installed successfully.
- Click the Activate button to activate plugin.
Congratulation! The plugin is successfully installed in your site. Now you can continue to play with it!
This is the manual installation. The plugin file will be uploaded into the server of the site domain. After that, the plugin will be activated in the Admin Panel. Please follow steps as below:
- You should have access to the server where WordPress is installed.
- Upload the plugin zip file
up to your server path/wp-content/plugins/
and unzip it here. - Login to your website and go to the Plugins section of your Admin Panel.
- Look for SW WooCommerce Vertical Categories Listing and click Activate to activate the plugin.
Congratulation! The plugin is successfully installed in your site. Now you can continue to play with it!
Ussually, when a required plugin is updated, we also update the plugin package. Therefore, when updating SW WooCommerce Vertical Categories Listing, you can also choose to update plugin automatically.
To update plugin in SW WooCommerce Vertical Categories Listing, please follow steps as below:
- Back up your site! to save your customization.
- Copy the custom code you made in your site and save it in your computer to add it later.
- Download the latest version of SW WooCommerce Vertical Categories Listing.
- Deactive and remove old version of this plugin. You can directly delete this plugin’s files in folder /public_html/wp-content/plugins of your site using FTP.
- Now you can install new version in your site. If the max_size_upload > 8M, you can upload it via Admin Panel. Or else, you need to extract the plugin then add it to folder /public_html/wp-content/plugins of your site using FTP.
- Go to Plugins and Activate it.
- After all, check your site again to ensure that the update works.
Warning Before updating plugin in your site, you need to have a test first to make sure that it is compatible with the theme in your site.
After successfully installing SW WooCommerce Vertical Categories Listing plugin, we can configure to use it in your WordPress site. You can use this plugin in 2 ways:
- Using with Widget
- Using with Visual Composer
>> Let’s continue to see the plugin demo, plugin options and how to configure it in your site!
This is the demo for this plugin with Accordion style.
Currently, the plugin supports Sticky Layout and Sidebar Layout..
In this part, we will learn the meaning of each option in the plugin. The options are the same when using Widget and Visual Composer.
First of all, please have an overview about the term in the backend of this SW WooCommerce Vertical Categories Listing plugin.
- Title: This option is for the plugin’s title
- Title Position: You can choose Top or Bottom to show the title position.
- Color Of Title: Set color for plugin title
- Background Color Of Title: Set color for background color of title
- Category: Choose categories you want to show in the listing.
- Color: Set color for category listing’s text
- Background Color: Set color for background color of categories
- Font-Family : Set font family for the text.
- Show More Button : Choose Yes or No to show or not show the Show More button.
- More Button Action: Choose Expand or Link for Show More button action.
- Text Of More Categories : Enter the text for More Categories
- Show Sub-category: You can choose Yes or No to show or not show the sub-category.
- Number Of Categories On Loading : Set the number of categories on loading
- Layout: This option lets you choose the layout style for the plugin. Currently, it supports Accordion and Sticky style as in the demo.
>>> All is okay? Okay! Let’s play with SW WooCommerce Vertical Categories Listing now!
After the installation, the plugin will be available in the Widgets section of your site. In this part, we will learn how to use SW WooCommerce Vertical Categories Listing with Widget. There are 2 options for you: Configure the plugin in the backend and configure it at the front end of your site.
Configure Plugin in the Backend
If you want to use this plugin this way, please follow the steps as below:
- In your site at the Admin Panel, please go to Appearance > Widgets.
- Choose SW WooCommerce Vertical Categories Listing, add to the sidebar you want and click on Add Widget button or drag the plugin into the sidebar you want .
- Now, you can configure the options of the widget.
- After that, remember to click on button Save to save all the settings.
After all, you can go to the page including the sidebar with this plugin to see the result..
>> If you want to edit it, please follow step 1 > 3 > 5 as above.
Configure Plugin in the Frontend
If you want to use this plugin this way, you need to login your site with admin account first. After that please follow the steps as below:
- In the page including sidebar with widget, click on Customize at the top of the page.
- Now in the Customizing window, choose Widgets to go to the Widget Area.
- In the Widget Area, click on Add a Widget button then find SW WooCommerce Vertical Categories Listing and choose it to start the settings.
- Now, you can configure the options of the widget.
- After that, remember to click on button Save & Publish to save all the settings.
After all, you can go to the page to see the result.
>> If you want to edit it, please follow step 1 > 2 then choose available SW WooCommerce Vertical Categories Listing and follow step 4 > 5 as above.
This plugin is compatible with Visual Composer. After installing Visual Composer and this plugin, you can use it in your site normally like other Visual Composer’s elements. In this part, we will learn how to use SW WooCommerce Vertical Categories Listing with this extension. There are 2 options for you: Configure the plugin in the backend and configure it at the front end of your site.
Configure Plugin in the Backend
If you want to use this plugin this way, please follow the steps as below:
- In your site at the Admin Panel, please go to Pages > All Pages then choose the one you want to add SW WooCommerce Vertical Categories Listing.
- After use Edit with Visual Composer mode, click on add element icon
then find and choose SW WooCommerce Vertical Categories Listing element to your page.
- Now, you can configure the options of the element.
- After that, remember to click on button Save changes to save all the settings of the element and Update the page’s change.
After all, you can go to the page to see the result. If you want to change the position of SW WooCommerce Vertical Categories Listing, you just need to drag and drop to the position you want.
>> If you want to edit SW WooCommerce Vertical Categories Listing, after starting editing with Visual Composer mode, click on edit icon on the element, change the configure you want and click on button Save changes to save all the settingsof the element and Update the page’s change.
Configure Plugin in the Frontend
If you want to use this plugin this way, you need to login your site with admin account first. After that please follow the steps as below:
- Firstly, open the page you want to add this SW WooCommerce Vertical Categories Listing with Edit with Visual Composer mode in the front end.
- After that, click on add element icon
then find and choose SW WooCommerce Vertical Categories Listing element to your page.
- Now, you can configure the options of the element.
- After all, remember to click on button Save changes to save all the settings of the element and Update the page’s change.
After all, you can check to the result. If you want to change the position of SW WooCommerce Vertical Categories Listing, you just need to drag and drop to the position you want.
>> If you want to edit SW WooCommerce Vertical Categories Listing, after starting editing with Visual Composer mode, click on edit icon on the element, change the configure you want and click on button Save changes to save all the settings of the element and Update the change in page.
This part will be updated soon.
This is video to show how to use SW Ajax WooCommerce Search from installation to using it with Widget and Visual Composer. You can check it to have a thorough look about this plugin.
Yes. SW WooCommerce Vertical Categories Listing supports multilanguage and you can use WPML for this feature.
This plugin is compatible with Loco Translate and Poedit. To use Loco, you can install Loco Translate first. After that, you can use Loco to translate plugin.
You can follow Beginner’s guide for Loco Translate in plugin
To help speed along your request, we require that you follow the steps below before submitting a new support ticket. This is for the benefit of everyone and will help make the entire process more efficient. It’s very important and we ask that everyone who posts follow these steps.
Please check the following before you submit a ticket:
- Make sure you are running the latest version of SW WooCommerce Vertical Categories Listing and the latest version of WordPress.
- Always check the changelogs of SW WooCommerce Vertical Categories Listing.
- Check our Documentation for the answer to your question.
- Make sure you’ve cleared all your caches including browser cache, plugin cache and server cache.
Browser Cache: this is cache stored by your browser to allow your page content to load faster.
Plugin Cache: this is cache specifically from a 3rd party WordPress plugin.
and Server Cache: this is cache imposed by your hosting company directly from your server.
Initial Release