WooCommerce 6.1 Released

WooCommerce 6.1 Released

WooCommerce 6.1 release contains lots of improvements. You can download and update it now. REMEMBER to backup your site and make sure that your WordPress themes and any other WordPress plugins are compatible before updating.

WooCommerce 6.1 Release Contains:

→ Check on How To Update WooCommerce

What’s new in WooCommerce 6.1?

Actions and Filters

WooCommerce 6.1 adds 1 action and there is no filter in this release.

Action Description
woocommerce_page_wc-addons_connection_error Triggered when there is an error with the connection to the WooCommerce.com marketplace.

There is no Database & Template Changes in WooCommerce 6.1 release.


The is_ajax function has been deprecated. The WordPress function wp_doing_ajax should be used instead.

Best WooCommerce 6.0.x WordPress Themes


Featured Theme Collections:

Best selling multi vendor wordpress themes

 Best Selling Multi Vendor MarketPlace WordPress Themes

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