WPThemeGo Documentation 1. Frequently Asked Questions Why is the homepage’s color not the same as other pages?

Why is the homepage’s color not the same as other pages?

This video tutorial will show you how to synchronize the color in WPThemeGo’s WordPress Themes step by step. We use eMarket WordPress theme as showcase for this tutorial.

After importing our demo to your site, you can see the color of your homepage doesn’t like other pages. Why do you get this problem? and how to fix it?

Our answer for this question is Page’s Metabox of the Homepage. Normally, the color of your site will be get from the setting at the theme options => schemes. However, if you want to set another color for a page, you can use the Page’s Metabox feature.

To Synchronize the Color in your site, please follow this Video Guide:

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