WooCommerce 4.0 & New Features

WooCommerce 4.0 New Features

WooCommerce 4.0 and New Features

WooCommerce 4.0 will be officially released soon this month. It will be updated with big features and improvements including WooCommerce admin, action schedule 3.0, and more.

In this article, we will give you some notes about new features of WooCommerce 4.0.

And now, let’s started!

What’s new in WooCommerce 4.0 

So, what’s new here? We will give some main points about the new features of this latest release.

WooCommerce Admin

WooCommerce Admin is ready to be included in the WooCommerce core to bring a set of improvements to all store owners:

  1. New dashboard
  2. New and improved reports
  3. Improved notification experience
  4. New store management tools

WooCommerce 4.0 - DashboardCustomizable dashboard – your most important sales data at a glance

WooCommerce admin provides much better reporting capabilities than previous generations of reports and allows for filtering, comparisons and overview how the store is doing in terms of sales, revenue, which products are the most popular/highest-grossing, adds capabilities for improved customer management and analytics.

It is now very easy to export the data from the reports as csv to enable smooth interoperation with other systems.

WooCommerce 4.0 - AnalyticsGo deeper with analytics for revenue, orders, products, categories and more.

Together with the WooCommerce admin, there will be a new Activity panel with improved order management workflow and consistency between the desktop and mobile experience to all the customers.

WooCommerce 4.0 - Activity

Activity panel including access critical functions from any WooCommerce screen.

Due to the JavaScript requirements, this experience will be available to all stores running WordPress 5.3+. Store running older versions of WordPress will have WooCommerce Admin automatically disabled.

Action Scheduler 3.0

In addition to the WooCommerce Admin, Action Scheduler will be updated with the new change. It can now utilize custom tables to provide a great experience even on stores with large volumes of orders and posts in the database.

Additional Updates

In addition to the new features above, you will find the following enhancements in 4.0:

  • Enhancement to the Order edit screen
  • Latest fixes of WooCommerce Blocks package
  • Updates related to Brexit and VAT
  • Improvements to email handling
  • Optimizations for saving variations and Cash on delivery payment gateway

Beyond these enhancements, the release also contains some tweaks, new hooks, and fixes – all of which you can find out about in the readme.

Release Schedule

Here is what we are targeting for the rest of the 4.0 release cycle:

4.0-Beta February 10
4.0-RC February 25
4.0 Release March 10


Above are some main features of the upcoming version of WooCommerce. We also plan to update all of our WordPress themes for this release and then you can download and perform it into your site now.

Best WordPress theme collections:

Best selling multi vendor wordpress themes

 Best Selling Multi Vendor MarketPlace WordPress Themes

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