------------ VERSION - 3.3.10: Released on Sep-06-2019 ------------
[+] Update WooCommerce 3.7.0
[+] Update Revolution Slider 6.1.1
[+] Update WPBakery Page Builder 6.0.5
------------ VERSION - 3.3.9: Released on Aug-05-2019 ------------
[+] Update WordPress 5.2.2
[+] Update WooCommerce 3.6.2
[+] Update Revolution Slider 6.0.8
[+] Update WPBakery Page Builder 6.0.3
------------ VERSION - 3.3.8: Released on May-11-2019 ------------
[#] Bug fix: Fix bug with countdown style on product listing
[#] Bug fix: Fix bugs in previous version
SW Autusin - Free MarketPlace WordPress Theme with Mobile Layout
------------ VERSION - 3.3.7: Released on Apr-24-2019 ------------
[+] Update WordPress 5.1.1
[+] Update WooCommerce 3.6.1
[#] Bug fix: Fix bug with Ajax Login by Email
[#] Bug fix: Fix bugs in product ajax tab with Arabic language
------------ VERSION - 3.3.6: Released on Feb-18-2019 ------------
[+] Update WordPress 5.0.4
[+] Update Revolution Slider
[+] Update WPBakery Page Builder 5.7
[+] Update Options for Responsive & Mobile Menu in Theme Options
[#] Bug fix: Fix bug Responsive Menu on Mobile
[#] Bug fix: Fix bug with Ajax Search on Mobile
[#] Bug fix: Fix bug with WooCommerce description
------------ VERSION - 3.3.5: Released on Dec-08-2018 ------------
[+] Update WordPress 5.0
[+] Update Revolution Slider
[#] Bug fix: Fix bug in previous version
------------ VERSION - 3.3.4: Released on Dec-05-2018 ------------
[#] Bug Fix: Fix bug with updating Visual Composer 5.6
------------ VERSION - 3.3.3: Released on Nov-30-2018 ------------
[+] Update WooCommerece 3.5.2
[+] Updated Visual Composer 5.6
[#] Bug Fix: Fix bug in previous version
------------ VERSION - 3.3.2: Released on Oct-26-2018 ------------
[+] Update Option to Show/Hide label Sold Out
[+] Update WooCommerece 3.5.0
[+] Updated Visual Composer 5.5.5
[#] Bug Fix: Fix bug in previous version
------------ VERSION - 3.3.1: Released on Sep-14-2018 ------------
[+] Update Theme Activation Function
[+] Update WooCommerece 3.4.5
[+] Updated Visual Composer 5.5.4
[#] Bug Fix: Fix bug in previous version
------------ VERSION - 3.3.0: Released on Jun-21-2018 ------------
[+] Update WordPress 4.9.6
[+] Update WooCommerece 3.4.2
[+] Update Revolution Slider
[+] Updated Visual Composer 5.4.7
[+] New Feature: Update Ajax Search for Mobile Layout
[+] New Feature: Update Footer Mobile Style for Mobile
[+] New Feature: Update option to enable header for detail page in Mobile Layout
[+] New Feature: Update option to turn on/off Add to Cart button for Shop page in Mobile Layout
[+] New Feature: Update title length & row for sw_woocommerce
[+] New Feature: Update icon NEW & SOLD OUT
[+] New Feature: Update Hour Setting for Countdown product
[+] New Feature: Update WC MarketPlace compatibility
[#] Bug Fix: Fix bug about custom color when updating theme by add option Enable Custom Color
[#] Bug Fix: Fix bug in previous version
------------ VERSION - 3.2.3: Released on Mar-28-2018 ------------
[+] Update WooCommerece 3.3.4
[+] Update visual composer 5.4.7
[+] Update revolution slider
------------ VERSION - 3.2.2: Released on Mar-19-2018 ------------
[+] Update WP Bakery Page Builder (Visual Composer) 5.4.7
------------ VERSION - 3.2.1: Released on Mar-14-2018 ------------
[+] Update WooCommerece 3.3.3
------------ VERSION - 3.2.0: Released on Feb-13-2018 ------------
[+] Update WooCommerece 3.3.1
[+] New Feature: Update Countdown deal in Listing product and single product
[+] New Feature: Update feature video in single product
[+] New Feature: Update login ajax in poup login
[+] New Feature: Update option allow config number of column for sub-categories in listing product
------------ VERSION - 3.1.1: Released on Dec-18-2017 ------------
[+] Update WordPress 4.9.1
[+] Update Visual Composer 5.4.5 revslider 
[+] Update Revolution Slider 
[+] Update change text for vertical menu.
[#] Bug Fix: Fix bug in Theme Option with WPML
[#] Bug Fix: Fix bug in backend when deactive WooCommerce
------------  VERSION - 3.1.0 : Released on Nov-21-2017  ------------
[+] Update WordPress 4.9
[+] Update Visual Composer 5.4.4
[+] Update Revolution Slider
[+] Update WooCommerce 3.2.x
[+] Update SW Ajax WooCommerce Search
[+] Update SW Swatch
[+] NEW: Add style for YA Slider with layout child-cate and child-cate-2
------------  VERSION - 3.0.1 : Released on August-01-2017  ------------
[#] Fixed bug: Social Login
------------  VERSION - 3.0.0 : Released on July-31-2017  ------------
[+] NEW: Updated New Core
[+] Replaced Footer Widget by Page Select Footer
[+] Updated Ajax Search
[+] Updated Social Login
[+] Dokan & Vendor Plugins Compatibility
[+] Updated WordPress 4.8
[+] Updated WooCommerce 3.1.1
[+] Updated Visual Composer 5.1.1
[+] Updated Revolution Slider
[+] Updated One Click install
------------  VERSION - 2.6.0 : Released on July-01-2017  ------------
[+] Updated WooCommerce 3.1
------------ VERSION - 2.5.9: Released on May-30-2017 ------------
[#] Fixed bug: products don't display on site

------------ VERSION - 2.5.9: Released on May-24-2017 ------------
[#] Fixed interface error when off popup zoom Product Image at the Single Product Page

------------ VERSION - 2.5.8: Released on May-16-2017 ------------
[+] Added option to change mobile logo layout
[+] Fixed error : images in the gallery didn't change to match the variation
[+] Updated WooCommerce 3.0.6
[+] Updated Revolution Slider
------------ VERSION - 2.5.7: Released on April-21-2017 ------------
[#] Fixed: Missing text in the textbox on firefox
------------ VERSION - 2.5.6: Released on April-21-2017 ------------
[+] Updated WooCommerce 3.0.4
[+] Updated WordPress 4.7.4
------------  VERSION - 2.5.5: Release on April-17-2017  ------------

 [#] Fixed bugs due to updating WooCommerce 3.0.x:
 [#] Fixed style error on the cart and checkout page on firefox
 [#] Fixed style error on the detailed product page for out-of-stock products
 [#] Fixed menu error 
------------  VERSION - 2.5.4: Release on April-14-2017  ------------
[+] Updated WooCommerce 3.0.3
[+] Updated Visual Composer 5.1.1

------------  VERSION - 2.5.3: Release on Mar-21-2017  ------------

[+] Updated WordPress 4.7.3
[+] Updated Visual Composer 5.1
[+] Updated Revolution Slider 5.4.1
[+] Updated MailChimp 4.1.0
[+] Fixed HTML validation error
------------  VERSION - 2.5.2: Release on Mar-08-2017  ------------
[+] Updated to WordPress 4.7.3
[+] Fixed errors: Missing styles on the blog page and search result page
------------  VERSION - 2.5.1: Release on Mar-06-2017  ------------
[+] Fixed bugs: duplicate data in the single product
------------  VERSION - 2.5.0: Release on Mar-04-2017  ------------
[+] NEW:3 Mobile Layouts
[+] Updated Ajax on sw_woocommerce to optimize theme speed
[+] Updated Unlimited color option in the theme admin
[+] Updated to WordPress 4.7.2
[+] Updated to WooCommerce 2.6.14
[+] Fixed some bug from last version
------------  VERSION - 2.4.2: Release on Feb-18-2017  ------------
[+] NEW: Added dupicate function when activing sw_core
[+] NEW: Allow to change copyright text and payment image
[+] Fixed some errors on last version
[+] Updated sw_core and sw_woocommerce
------------  VERSION - 2.4.1: Release on Dec-28-2016  ------------
[+] Updated to WooCommerce 2.6.11
[+] Fixed bug: do not show shortcode testimonial
------------  VERSION - 2.4.0: Release on Dec-20-2016  ------------
[+] Updated to WordPress 4.7
[+] Updated to WooCommerce 2.6.9
[+] Updated Visual Composer 5.0.1
[+] Updated YITH Woocommerce Wishlist 2.0.16
[+] Fixed bug: Show Product image in Product detail
[+] Fixed bug: SW Countdown: time display N/A on Safari
- Change: product image popup zoom in product detail to slider instead of single image
------------  VERSION - 2.3.3: Release on Nov-03-2016  ------------
[+] Updated to WooCommerce 2.6.7
[+] Updated to Revolution Slider
[+] Added Rich Snippets
[+] Fixed bug Add to cart in variable product's quickview
------------  VERSION - 2.3.2: Release on Oct-06-2016  ------------
[+] Fixed bug in SW Woo Countdown Slider plugin in homepage 11: reset time displaying
[+] Disable sale label in product detail page when it not yet start
[+] Fixed bug: SW Woo Countdown Slider incorrectly display
[+] Variable product detail page: display SKU according to variation
------------  VERSION - 2.3.1: Release on Sep-29-2016  ------------
[+] Fixed bug: out stock product => product detail page full layout was broken
------------  VERSION - 2.3.0: Release on Sep-23-2016  ------------
[+] Added 5 extra homepage layouts
[+] Added 5 extra color styles
[+] Used bbPress Plugin V 2.5.10
[+] Updated to WordPress 4.6.1
[+] Updated  Visual Composer 4.12.1
[+] Updated Mailchimp 4.0.4
[+]  Added functions:
 + Theme options: Added Copyright param
 + Product listing: Added param that allows to select the number of product to display
------------  VERSION - 2.2.0: Release on July-14-2016  ------------
[+] Update WooCommerce 2.6.2
[+] Update SEO for WP 3.3.4
[+] Update Mailchimp 3.1.11
[+] Add 1 extra homepage layout
[+] Add 1 extra color style
[+ Add Pre-load function
- Fixe bug: favicon icon disappeared after editing shortcode
- Fix bug: remove thumnail function in category product
- Fix bug: breadcrumb displayed full link
------------  VERSION - 2.1.0: Release on June-24-2016  ------------
[+] Update WordPress 4.5.3
[+] Update WooCommerce 2.6.1
[+] Update Visual Composer 4.12
[+] Update Mailchimp 3.1.10
[+] Fig bugs:
-  Fix category ajax after updating to woocommerce 2.6.1 on sw_woocommerce
- Add link to banner category ajax on sw_woocommerce
- Fix not show content when select all category on sw-partner-slider
------------  VERSION - 2.1.0: Release on June-09-2016  ------------
[+] Fixed: sticky Menu error on Homepage 1, 3, 6, 8
------------  VERSION - 2.0.1: Release on June-03-2016  ------------
[+] Fixed: sticky Menu error on Homepage 1, 3, 6, 8
[+] Fixed Menu Styles bug when change color on mobile
------------  VERSION - 2.0.0: Release on May-28-2016  ------------
[+] Add 2 extra index ( now 9 homepages available)
[+] Add 2 extra color Style (10 colors)
[+] Update to compatible with WordPress 4.5.2
[+] Update TGM 2.6.1
[+] Fixed all issues in Version 1.6.0
------------  VERSION - 1.6.0: Release on Apr-28-2016  ------------
[+] Add one extra index ( now 7 homepages available)
[+] Add one extra color Style
[+]Update WordPress 4.5
[+]Update Revolution slider 5.2.5
[+]Update Visual composer 4.11.2
------------  VERSION - 1.5.0: Release on Apr-11-2016  ------------
[+] Updated 3 detailed product styles
[+] Fixed bug: 
1. All categories product haven't show product in WooCommerce Tab Slider shortcode
2. Woo Tab Slider: Broken layout when selecting category with subcategory
3. Fixed other issues on the version 1.4.0
------------  VERSION - 1.4.0: Release on Mar-28-2016  ------------
[+] Added 12 bonus pages
[+] Fixed bug: 
1. Change logo >> header style 2,4,5 no change
2. Left  top menu: check box of left top menu is not working in right way.
3. Breadcum doesnot change automatically when changing language.
4. Theme name is wrong in the file: login.php
5. Homepage 3 : Woo slider shortcode - child cate layout, in case, select category which has only one word, in front-end it doesnot display the first letter in that word.
------------  VERSION - 1.3.0: Release on Mar-05-2016  ------------
[+] Added one extra index
------------  VERSION - 1.2.0: Release on Feb-25-2016  ------------
[+] Added one extra index
[+] Added one extra color style
------------  VERSION - 1.1.0: Release on Feb-06-2016  ------------
[+] Added one extra index
[+] Added one extra color style
- Upgraded to WooCommerce 2.5.x
------------  VERSION - 1.0.2: Release on Jan-07-2016  ------------
[+] Initial Release