------------ VERSION - 1.9.3: Released on Dec-08-2018 ------------
[+] Update WordPress 5.0
[+] Update Revolution Slider
[#] Bug fix: Fix bug in previous version
------------ VERSION - 1.9.1: Released on Oct-27-2018 ------------
[+] Update WooCommerece 3.5.0
[+] Updated WPBakery Page Builder 5.5.5
[#] Bug Fix: Fix bug in previous version
------------ VERSION - 1.9.0: Released on Sep-26-2018 ------------
[+] Update WordPress 4.9.8
[+] Update WooCommerece 3.4.5
[+] Update Revolution Slider 5.4.8
[+] Update WPBakery Page Builder 5.5.4
[+] Update Option Category Breadcrumb on Theme Options ( Product Options )
[+] Update Product Categories Config Column 
[+] Update Countdown on Listing and Single Product
[+] Update label new, soldout
[+] Update Config Sidebar for Single Product
[+] Update WooSwatches
[+] Update WooCommerce Ajax Product Search
[+] Update Config Typography
[+] Update One Click Demo Import
[+] Update Custom Color Scheme
[#] Fix Bug: Fix bug in previous versions

SW Shop4 - Free MarketPlace WordPress Theme with Mobile Layout

------------ VERSION - 1.8.2: Released on Jun-09-2018 ------------
[+] Update WordPress 4.9.6
[+] Update WooCommerece 3.4.2
[+] Update Revolution Slider
------------ VERSION - 1.8.1: Released on Apr-14-2018 ------------
[+] Update Visual Composer 5.4.7
[+] Update WooCommerce 3.3.5
[+] Update Revolution Slider
------------ VERSION - 1.8.0: Released on Feb-12-2018 ------------
[+] Update WooCommerece 3.3.1
------------  VERSION -  1.7.3: Released on Nov-24-2017  ------------
[+] Update WordPress 4.9.x
[+] Update Revolution slider
[+] Update Visual Composer 5.4.4
[+] Update SW WooCommerce
[+] Fix Bug: Fix bug with layout RTL
------------  VERSION -  1.7.3: Released on Nov-4-2017  ------------
[+] Update WooCommerce 3.2.x
[+] Update Visual Composer 5.4.2
[+] Update Revolution Slider
------------  VERSION -  1.7.2: Released on July-12-2017  ------------
[+] Updated Visual Composer 5.2
[+] Updated maintaince mode
[+] Updated featured video for single product
[+] Updated WooCommerce 3.1
[+] Updated Scheme color trong theme option
[#] Fix "zoom out" single product
------------  VERSION -  1.7.1: Released on July-01-2017  ------------
[+] Updated WooCommerce 3.1
------------  VERSION - 1.7.0: Released on June-14-2017  ------------
[+] NEW: Added 2 mobile layouts
[+] Updated WooCommerce 3.0.8
[+] Updated Revolution
[+] Updated WordPress 4.8
------------  VERSION - 1.6.2: Released on May-30-2017 ------------
[#] Fixed bug: products don't display on site
------------  VERSION - 1.6.2: Released on May-22-2017  ------------
[#] Fix bugs: edit the link of product for image on quickview
------------  VERSION - 1.6.1: Release on May-06-2017  ------------
[+] Added the homepage #10
[+] Updated WooCommerce 3.0.5
[+] Fixed error when displaying image on the slider at the detail product
------------  VERSION - 1.6.0: Release on April-26-2017  ------------
[+] Updated one-click installation plugin
[+] Updated revolution packages
------------  VERSION - 1.6.0: Release on April-24-2017  ------------
[+] Added 2 extra homepage layouts
[+] Updated WordPress 4.7.4
[+] Updated to WooCommerce 3.0.4
[+] Updated Visual Composer 5.1.1
[+] Updated Revolution Slider 5.4.3
------------  VERSION - 1.5.5: Release on April-4-2017  ------------
[+] Updated revolution package
[+] Fixed bugs:  errors when displaying products in the shop page on the Ipad
------------  VERSION - 1.5.4: Release on March-21-2017  ------------
[+] Updated WordPress 4.7.3
[+] Updated Visual Composer 5.1
[+] Updated Revolution Slider 5.4.1
[+] Updated MailChimp 4.1.0
[+] Added Breadcrumb Background param in the theme option to allow users to change background image for Breadcrumb
------------  VERSION - 1.5.3: Release on February-18-2017  ------------
[+] NEW: Allow user to upload custom favicon on theme option
[+] NEW: Change breadcrumb background on Theme option
[+] NEW: Allow user to select google font on Theme Options 
[+] Fixed some bugs from old version
[+] Updated language package for sw_core and sw_woocommerce
[+] NEW: Allow to change footer copyright on theme options
------------  VERSION - 1.5.2: Release on December-21-2016  ------------
[+] Updated to WordPress 4.7
[+] Updated to WooCommerce 2.6.9
[+] Updated Visual Composer 5.0.1
[+] Fixed bug: Show Product image in Product detail
- Change: product image popup zoom in product detail to slider instead of single image
------------  VERSION - 1.5.1: Release on November-03-2016  ------------
[+] Updated to WooCommerce 2.6.7
[+] Updated to Revolution Slider
[+] Fixed bug sortby in product listing page
[+] Fixed bug Add to cart in variable product's quickview
------------  VERSION - 1.5.0: Release on September-29-2016  ------------
[+] Added 2 extra homepage layouts
[+] Added 2 extra color styles
[+] Updated to WordPress 4.6.1
[+] Updated Visual composer 4.12.1
------------  VERSION - 1.4.1: Release on August-26-2016  ------------
[+] Updated to WordPress 4.6
[+] Added extra styles for outstock product's button
[+] Restyled long item's title
[+] Restyled My Account page when signed in
------------  VERSION - 1.4.0: Release on June-29-2016  ------------
[+] Update mailchimp 3.1.10
[+] Update WooCommerce 2.6.1
[+] Update WordPress 4.5.3
[+] Optimize site and speed loading up to A level
------------  VERSION - 1.3.0: Release on June-16-2016  ------------
[+] Update visual composer 4.12
[+] Update WooCommerce 2.6
[+] Update TGMPA 2.6.1
[+] Add 1 extra index ( 5 homepages available now)
------------  VERSION - 1.2.0: Release on June-09-2016  ------------
[+] Update to compatible with MailChimp 3.1.9
[+] Add 1 extra index ( 4 homepages available now)
------------  VERSION - 1.1.1: Release on June-01-2016  ------------
[+] Update MailChimp for WordPress  to version 3.1.8
[+] Fixed style error of product layout full width on mobile
[+] Fix bug adding scroll feature for responsive menu
------------  VERSION - 1.0.0: Release on March-26-2016  ------------
[+] Initial Release