------------ VERSION - 1.5.7: Released on Sep-09-2019 ------------
[+] Update WordPress 5.2.3
[+] Update WooCommerce 3.7.0
[+] Update Revolution Slider 6.1.1
[+] Update WPBakery Page Builder 6.0.5
------------ VERSION - 1.5.6: Released on Aug-05-2019 ------------
[+] Update WordPress 5.2.2
[+] Update WooCommerce 3.6.2
[+] Update Revolution Slider 6.0.8
[+] Update WPBakery Page Builder 6.0.3
[+] Update Bundle Product
------------ VERSION - 1.5.5: Released on Apr-26-2019 ------------
[+] Update WordPress 5.1.1
[+] Update WooCommerce 3.6.2
[#] Bug fix: Fix bug with Ajax Login by Email
[#] Bug fix: Fix bugs in previous version
SW Shop4 - Free MarketPlace WordPress Theme with Mobile Layout
------------ VERSION - 1.5.4: Released on Feb-19-2019 ------------
[+] Update WordPress 5.0.4
[+] Update Revolution Slider
[+] Update WPBakery Page Builder 5.7
[#] Bug fix: Fix bug with Ajax Login
[#] Bug fix: Fix bug with Image Upload for Vendors
------------ VERSION - 1.5.3: Released on Dec-10-2018 ------------
[+] Update WordPress 5.0
[+] Update WooCommerce 3.5.2
[+] Update WPBakery Page Builder /Visual Composer 5.6
[+] Update Revolution Slider
[#] Bug fix: Fix bug with Ajax Live Search
------------ VERSION - 1.5.2: Released on Oct-27-2018 ------------
[+] Update WooCommerece 3.5.0
[+] Updated Visual Composer 5.5.5
[#] Bug Fix: Fix bug in previous version
------------ VERSION - 1.5.1: Released on Sep-28-2018 ------------
[+] Update WordPress 4.9.8
[+] Update WooCommerece 3.4.5
[+] Update Revolution Slider 5.4.8
[+] Update Visual PageBuilder 5.5.4
[+] Update Multivendor Support (support Dokan, WC Vendors and WC MarketPlace)
[+] Update Ajax Login
[+] Update Ajax Live Search
[#] Fix Bug: Fix bug in previous versions
------------ VERSION - 1.5.0: Released on Jun-23-2018 ------------
[+] Update Visual Composer 5.5.1
[+] Update WooCommerce 3.4.3
[+] Update Revolution Slider
[+] Update Video Single Product
[+] Update Param Select Font in Theme Options
[+] Update Param for Mobile Layout
[+] Update layout 5 column product and allow to select column category
[+] Update translation file
[#] Bug Fix: Fix bug in previous version
------------ VERSION - 1.4.2: Released on Apr-14-2018 ------------
[+] Update Visual Composer 5.4.7
[+] Update WooCommerce 3.3.5
[+] Update Revolution Slider
------------ VERSION - 1.4.1: Released on Mar-20-2018 ------------
[+] Update WooCommerece 3.3.3
[+] Update Visual Composer 5.4.7
------------ VERSION - 1.4.0: Released on Feb-12-2018 ------------
[+] Update WooCommerece 3.3.1
------------ VERSION - 1.3.3: Released on Dec-29-2017 ------------
[+] Update SW WooCommerce Swatches
[+] Update Param Select category for child cate
[#] Bug Fix: Fix bug title of page on mobile
------------ VERSION - 1.3.2: Released on Dec-19-2017 ------------
[+] Update WordPress 4.9.1
[+] Update WooCommerc3 3.2.6 
[+] Update Ajax Search 
[#] Bug Fix: Fix bug in Theme Option with WPML
------------  VERSION - 1.3.1 - : Released on Dec-14-2017  ------------
[+] Update WooCommerce 3.2.6
[+] Update WordPress 4.9.x
[+] Update Visual Composer 5.4.6
[+] Update Revolution slider
[+] Update One Click Installation
------------  VERSION - 1.3.0 - : Released on August-18-2017  ------------
[+] Updated New One-Click-Installation
[+] Updated WordPress 4.8.1
[+] Updated VisualComposer 5.2.1
[+] Updated Revolution Slider
[+] Updated WooCommerce 3.1.2
[+] Updated features:
 -  Ajax search
 -  Maintainance mode
 -  Popup config
 -  Variation Swatch and image for WooCommerce
------------  VERSION - 1.2.1 - : Released on July-01-2017  ------------
[+] Updated WooCommerce 3.1
------------  VERSION - 1.2.0: Released on May-27-2017  ------------
[+] Added HomePage Style #7
------------  VERSION - 1.1.3: Released on May-19-2017  ------------
[+] Updated WordPress 4.7.4
[+] Updated WooCommerce 3.0.7
[#] Fix bugs: Variation Product doesn't change to match options
------------  VERSION - 1.1.2: Released on May-15-2017  ------------
[+] Added 1 new homepage #6
[+] Updated WooCommerce 3.0.5
[+] Updated Visual Composer 
------------  VERSION - 1.1.1: Released on April-15-2017  ------------
[+] Updated WooCommerce 3.0.3
[+] Updated Visual Composer 5.1.1 
------------ VERSION 1.1.0 - 31-Mar-2017 ------------
[+] Updated one click data plugin
------------ VERSION 1.1.0 - 28-Mar-2017 ------------
[+] NEW: 3 Mobile-Specific Layouts
[+] Fixed some bugs in the latest version
------------ VERSION 1.0.0 - 18-Feb-2017 ------------
[+] Initial Release